Monday, September 30, 2024

One Word Film Project

 One Word Film project = Remorseful

This video is about a girl caught cheating on a test with her phone. She gets caught, punished, and feels remorseful

     During our brainstorming meeting, my partner and I decided that the easiest and best scenario to execute would be someone getting caught cheating. We discussed how to film it, including shot angles, composition, and editing techniques.

    After brainstorming, we began storyboarding with the chosen angles and aspects. Despite limited artistic skills, We tried our best to collectively draw out what we wanted to incorporate in our actual video, and doing this we tried to see what it would look like or at least give us an idea of it.

    My partner and I had to both individually edit our own portions of the videos. I utilize an app called In Shot, not only was the app free and affordable, it was also a very easy one to use due to its accessibility it helped me create exactly what i was planning for.

    I believe our project excelled in editing, especially with the seamless transitions that enhanced the mood. However, we faced challenges with some scenes since we couldn’t find a time or place to shoot certain scenes. This limitation meant we had to shoot individually, which affected the quality and consistency of some shots. 

    Overall, I had fun shooting this film it gave me a good vision on what i should do and not do for future projects, but for my first film i'm proud!


Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Camera Shots Quiz

This assignment we had to create a 15 shot using one to two inanimate objects to display a short story.

 this whole story show displays Drug store makeup vs Sephora make up and how the long standing rivalry of who really is better is better sparks a fight between the two. 

as an overall i believe me and my partner did a great job in displaying the fight between the two objects and using different types of angles and shots to help show the emotion and the overall storyline. Although i believe if the objects had more of a background and lighting this could've help suggest the mood and theme of the current scene which is what i believe we should've done.

Camera Shots quiz final.pptx

A close up of a mirror

Description automatically generatedThe over the shoulder shot shows us the FitMe concealer looking in the mirror, sad because she is a cheap product

 A mirror on a wall

Description automatically generatedThis establishing shot lets the viewers know FitMe is in an entrance of a building.

 A bottle of liquid on a shelf

Description automatically generatedThis midshot shows L’oreal, FitMe’s best friend, entering the room.

 A close up of a pencil

Description automatically generatedThis closeup shows an expensive product, Hourglass, walking in as well.​

 A close up of a bottle

Description automatically generatedThis 2 shot allows the audience to see Hourglass and Il Makiage entering the premise.

 Midshot showing Hourglass and FitMe glaring at each other.

 A close up of a bottle

Description automatically generatedIl Makiage and L’oreal, the best friends, glaring at each other.

 A close up of a bottle

Description automatically generatedA low-angle,long shot of Hourglass

 A close up of a tool

Description automatically generatedA high-angle, long shot of FitMe

 A close up of a bottle

Description automatically generatedThis POV shot is from L’oreals POV as hourglass steps forward.

 A close up of a tube of liquid

Description automatically generatedThis extreme close up shows Hourglass lunging at FitMe.

 A close up of a liquid foundation

Description automatically generatedThis close up shows the audience that FitMe is fighting back.

 A close up of a lipstick and a pencil on a glass table

Description automatically generatedA long shot showing Hourglass falling to the ground.

 A close up of a bottle

Description automatically generatedOver the shoulder shot of Il Makiage pulling Hourglass away from FitMe.

 A bottle of liquid and a pencil

Description automatically generatedFitMe and L’oreal celebrating the win.

Answer and Reflect

How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?     Hey everyone today it’s time to ge...