Sunday, March 16, 2025

Group meeting timee!!

My second meeting! 

Hey guys, welcome back to my blog. I was given opportunity this week and had a good meeting with other upcoming film makers in my class. They are also doing the same project as me and we're just coming up with ideas about how we're planning to respond and record our CCR's. 

I got the pleasure with meeting with five different people Emi, Jano, Mariana, Isabelle, and Ale.  By having these meetings, not only was I able to help others, but I also got referenced some other ideas for my CCR’s 

You see, in my past posts I went into how I'm going to answer the questions. The thing is, how am I going to create a video of me answering the questions? Luckily that's what the group today's group meeting was about. 

Fellow film makers!

First up, we have Emi, her idea was honestly amazing, but she had some struggles for her other video that she needs to incorporate. She was planning on doing her first video talking about the first two questions and posing as a famous actress unboxing her own fan mail, and later she will answer the following questions that we were given. However, we can only answer 2 questions in each video. Meaning she needs another video to answer the next two. She was planning on either doing a podcast or an interview and we tried giving her suggestions of maybe doing sort of a blog. But she wasn't really entirely sure. Hopefully she was able to figure out by taking in our suggestions, but I haven't heard from her since.


Next up we have Jano, He took inspiration for his first video from a TikTok trend. He’s planning to answer the first two question in a street interview way. The trend is asking a person “What do you do for a living” and he plans to answer that question by saying a famous actress and then slowly answer the questions about his upcoming movie. The next video he was planning to do is that he’s getting interviewed while hes on set shooting for the movie and he plans to introduce the next questions. The whole point of this is being creative, and I think he excels in it. I love how he took in inspiration and was able to make it his own.


Now we have Marianna, she also took inspiration from social media but honed it to make it her own. Just like Jano. She is doingWhat's in your purse” interview but instead its props from her film and that's how she’ll slowly develop the first two questions. I think that was a very smart technique, it was really clever, and I liked it a lot. However, she didn’t know what to do for her second one. We gave her ideas, and she just landed on developing a podcast, but we told her that visual aspects need to be included and gave her some advice on what she should do. 

Then there’s Isabelle, at first, she was going to record a day in her life and answering questions, we all concluded that it wasn’t original enough for her to use and that she should pick something else. We rumble up some suggestions again, and she pitched in as well. Ultimately, she wants to create a persona of her “second life” of being a huge fan or coach of football, and post-game she will get interviewed about her upcoming movie and slowly answer the first questions. Then she told us she wanted to do a mock trial and act as the witness because she’s being interviewed again. Once again clever, however the mock trial may be difficult to record but not entirely impossible. I advised her to use green screen to make it seem more realistic. In the end, that was her ideas. 

Lastly, there was Ale, Ale had so many ideas. She was the one contributing the most and she kept coming up with ideas, and it's insane cause I struggled a lot coming up with just TWO. At first, she was in between doing an apology video about why her movie went bad, but we felt it wasn’t a great way to convey the message and answering the questions since it was a negative energy. Still pretty incredible. Then she was like what if she’s amid getting surgery and starts to get questioned mid-way, kind of like a comedy skit and I think it was smart. Then inspired by her first suggestion, she wants to compare two movies, Her's and another one and dwell into the other set of questions in that review.

 My turn!

When it came to me though, everyone liked my ideas and didn’t comment on much anything. They believed that my news channel interview and my cooking show skit was on point and creative. They appreciated the thought i put into it and liked my ideas. I was very pleased with their reactions as it gave me more motivation to do better on this part of the project. 

In the end, I had a lot of fun collaborating and talking about ideas with other fellow filmmakers, it not only reminded me about taking in suggestions but also helping others to do their best! 

Friday, March 14, 2025

Last question!

 How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project?     

    Welcome, welcome! Today I'm tackling down ANOTHER question of what equipment I used both physical and online. This will be the last question ill be addressing in my blog!  

                    I want to breakdown what software, hardware and online is in context of filmmaking. software is a set of like instructions, or you can say programs that tell a computer or maybe device what to do It's a part of a system. Some examples are in context of like things that are using in video editing, sound editing, visual effects, screen writing, and color grading. In contrast to software, hardware refers to the physical components of a computer and electronic device. This means it's all like the tangible things that you see when recording a production and what you use to edit. For example, this can be shown through cameras, phones, lighting equipment, computers, and etcetera. These are the physical components. Lastly, we have online, in this reference it refers to being connected to the Internet. And gives you access to services, platforms and resources that only can be accessed through the Internet. This could be like streaming platforms, cloud storage, social media, and maybe some online collaboration tools. 


     In my case, I used my iPhone throughout. This physical component is incredibly useful, as I didn't need to go someplace else to gather a camera when my own devices had one. I personally use my own iPad and computer to do some of the editing and creating the title scene and production. Lastly, we utilize a tripod to stabilize our phones when recording our shots, this made sure we avoided any shaky scenes and created a very STABLE shot. 


When it came to editing however, I found myself using a mobile app called InShot. Thats what I used to edit my scenes and add audio to it all. The app helped me throughout my whole project and was my number one source to when it came to editing.



Lastly, I used an online platform called Canva, a graphic design studio, to create my title scene and production companies. The app was incredible resourceful with a bunch of designs and layouts I can take inspiration from. Not just that, but it was easy to create an animation for my title. 

Group meeting timee!!

My second meeting!   Hey guys, welcome back to my blog. I was given opportunity this week and had a good meeting with other upcoming film ma...