Thursday, February 20, 2025


Props, set, designs or costumes?

    Bonjour! ¡I know you missed me, it’s only been a day but I’ve was too excited to share my costume ideas! Before I get into it I want to give a refresher  to why I’ve selected these styles, by the way, these are ideas, I wanted you guys help me pick but I already know which one I’m leading more towards.




    In our story, it takes place in a dystopian society, this society is very much organized indicating eveyone wears the exact same, has the same things and does the same things, anything else is illegal and out of the ordinary. Meaning, I wanted to find a basic and simple costume desgin that not only can be used as sort of an uniform but comfortable. I was leaning into simple colors like beige, black, white and blue.




  Well, beige is a dull and simple color which can be used to symbolize the dullness of living in that society. Black shows darkness and hidden meaning which can indicate the society secrets and dark truth another important detail of the story. While white paints innocents almost angelic, this can help paint out how the society is actually perfect and hopeful to contrast its actual truth. Lastly, blue. Blue symbolize harmony and stability, in a dystopian society where everyhting is run by the government it’s important to establish this order which can also help create the “peaceful” environment it is.



What we can do


Here are the top four designs based of each colors that I have handpicked to us for my film.


First up



    The black dress help show that color theory I was loooking. An important thing is the fact that I already own a dress similar to this desgin. So, it’s not only already in my closet and I don’t need to look else where to buy it but I same my self time to worry about another elements like props. However, I feel like the dress doesn’t show off the dystopian theme, it does however give kinda a vibe 1950s housewife e or something. We are however making this a modernized film so this isn’t what we want.



Thank you, next!




    We now have the beige dress, luckily I found that this is sold at Walmart, so if I do end up with this object find it won’t be that big of an issue. The color is beige and it really gives the uniform ideal and the message we are hoping to give off to as well. Ultimately, it the process of hoping the deli every process doesn’t take too long or gets lost, which will be s HUGE issue if we can’t get it intime for filming. Honestly, the main issue for this choice is the fact we have to get it dleievered and that could take up to two whole weeks.



Next one up



    We have the most simple of it all but it is my favorite. The white button up with white pants helps show this as orderly, and innocent society. Not only do I have it in my closet but it shows off all the elects of a dystopian society. Another important detail is that EVERYONE has to wear the same thing and i wasn’t considering the unisex for the uniform and was picking it off firstly at girls which was a huge mistake. I want to conclude that I’m going with this costume not only for its simplicity but the concept is just perfect for the movie.



But before we conclude



   I wanted to give this blue guy just one last chance to either convince me or you guys that this one is the best option. This blue collar button up would go with either navy blue office pants or black ones. I have these items already, but the whole costume gives off an work office outfit and I’m not sure if that’s what I want to show off in my film. I personally say this is a no, a good idea, but not exactly what I’m looking for.


In the end


    Im picking the white button up shits and white pants, the simplicity is exactly what I need and the color theory is there. I was really hoping to choice between any of those colors but especially for MY charcter, Lily Allen, an absolute angel, white is the perfect color to demonstrate her. Not just that but I feel like this can show the WHOLE society as a complete reflection of the peace and innocence within in. I’m glad with my decision and I hope to see you guys again for this next one, bye!

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