Dystopian sounds
Ni hao! That’s Chinese for hello! Besides that, I wanted to talk about sounds todays. I think it’s extremely important to explain the use of sounds that help evoke a better visual understanding. In dystopian films the use of sound is crucial to help establish the unsettling atmosphere, and that’s exactly what I want my film to start with.
Breakdown not breakdance
Establishing a good sound choice is so crucial for dystopian films since it can affect and highlight the control and artificially of the environment.The summit pinnacle points out (2024), “It’s essential to draw viewers to subtle foreshadowing and narrative developments.” Meaning with the use do audios and sounds you can create an environment to foreshadow the overall plot, or the incoming conflict behind it.
Specifically, in my opening, literally just my opening. Meaning I don’t have much to work with to show the whole plot. I want to give off hints in my opening to foreshadow the conflict that is going come. I strongly believe that with the use of sounds and visual aids I can implement this. In dystopian films there’s great uses of diagetic sounds, since majority of them take place in secluded areas and are not as modernized. Mine will also take place somewhat of that, a town that has fallen behind to what’s modern. It doesn’t take place in no great city, but in a town.
The ultimate goal is to enhance the storytelling of the production. As stated in The Importance of Sound Design in Film (2023), “sound desgin can greatly enhance the viewing experience by adding a layer of emotional depth and realism to the visual elements of a film or television show.”. I believe that incorporating such elements can really upgrade my film. I was thinking about literally just using diagetic sounds but foley sounds can also be a great way to increase the realizan of the sound and emphasize it.
What I’ll do
Diagetic sounds- I believe that diagetic sounds can invoke a more sense of realism to my story and create a more visual appealing film. Especially from what I’m planning to film, there isn’t any DRANATIC scenes were the sound will be needed. Having all these dialogues scenes, diagetic sounds are on the top my list.
Sound effects – one of the main scenes the introduction of the news report, it’s going to take a lot of diffferent editing techniques to make this seem like an actually report. Which using sound board I can use “Breaking News” and the music that’s played on these breaking news report. Once again, I think using sound affects will create a more realistic approach to the report and hopefully seem like an actually news report.
Little to no music- Im planning to use music for when we do the title scene, but other than that I see no use of it. I want to tell a story not just show it. In turn I won’t be using much music to show this.
Worse case scenario: foley sounds- if I don’t get a clear audio take when recording, I’ll make sure to use foley sounds to emphasize the sounds. Specifically the scene of the phone ringing and the coffees being brewed and poured it’s important to make that sound stand out. I want the coffee kettle to beep a specific scene of the news report to cut to that,obviously with some of the voices being heard in the back but you get what I mean. It’s the same thing with the phone ringing, if it doesn’t sound loud enough to catch MY attntion how do I know it’ll capture the audiences? Overall, i planning to purschase small microphones to record these sounds.
Resources: Devarazz. (2023, April 15). “The Importance of Sound Design in Film” - Devarazz - Medium. Medium. https://medium.com/@devaraz/the-importance-of-sound-design-in-film-f589dfe85e30
Liew, E. (n.d.). The sound of dystopia. The Summit Pinnacle. https://thesummitpinnacle.com/4217/crest/the-sound-of-dystopia/
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