Tuesday, March 4, 2025


  1,2,3 ACTION!


    Good evening everyone, after todays long shooting session we were finally able to finish our shots. I feel like it was a super successful, now just comes the long hassling process of editing. I’m NOT excited for that, but it must be done. Anyways I really want to go into detail what we did.


The filming 

    We decided that our film was going to be taking place at night time, we felt it gave much more of a mysterious idea of it and i felt that it was the best thing we could’ve done. There just were a lot of things that we didn’t considered.  First was definitely lighting, since recording took over a span of three days had to take shots during the night time. Most of it was done indoors, but some scenes, especially towards the end, was outside. I’m not sure if it’s cause summer is coming or just because of the area we live in but oh my gosh. It was INFESTED with mosquitoes and insects. I’m currently holding the world record of mosquito bites in both my arms and legs.  Anyways there wasn’t much we could’ve done to combat that other than having to split our filming days into three so we don’t get even MORE bitten.


    Anywho, we did change a few scenarios in our filming like we are including a background diagetic dialouge of the new channel suddenly go offline and that’s what cause our charcter (Olivia aka lily) to sit on the couch and change the channel. It saved us so much time by not making us have to use a mirror technique of an extended news channel. It also created this cool lighting effect that I found really mesmerizing.

    Lastly, I really wanted to incorporate some futuristic and technological feature in my film and I felt like an ACTUAL camera footage of her waiting outside for lily was the best one. Down below you can see what I mean.


    Thank god for Vicky’s tripod because without it we wouldn’t been able to stablize our cellar devices to record and make the whole thing a shaky mess. In the end we were Anel to overcome to much the past days, and I’ve learned that it’s super important to wear some sort of mosquito repellent when filming during night and invest in a tripod. Here’s some upcoming problems, we decided to record in MY house and my air conditioner can be really loud. In turn, some recording in where we had to speak had really loud air conditioning in the background which you can’t really hear my voice. No fear though cause that’s just tomorrows problem (the editing process). I’m just glad we got to finish everything with filming.

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