My first meeting
Aloha! it was kind of a hectic day! I got to socialize a lot of other group members I was very happy for this opportunity because not only did a broaden my insight and help communicate about some struggles in my projects it also gave me a fresh new set of ideas that I can incorporate in my projects.I also felt extremely happy with helping others to developing their own projects.
I didn’t have enough time to get around and communicate with everyone but just the right about a time to discuss with four other group members and share their project planning and production choices. We also decided to help each other out with our struggles and come up with ideas for improvement.
First one up: Simona
Simona was the first one to introduce herself. She talked about her film opening idea and how she wants to start from end to start, meaning she she wants the opening to be kind of like the end of the movie and continuing the rest of the movie to show what lead up to it. She talked about her story to takeing place of a wife murdering and burying her husband. It gets better though, the title is “until death do us part”. Like you can’t say that isn’t creative . She did however have some complications, she didn’t really have a clear idea on what scenes or how many to use. It was just so much that she wanted to incorporate that it was all just mixed up and excessive. We all told her that it would just be too excessive to include all those scenes it would’ve been really hard to take and make the opening seem really choppy rather than clear and straight to the point. Everyone was pitching in ideas on how she could incorporate and clear out all of those extra scenes right now. We came to agreement that a storyboard or scripting is necessary, any method where you write down your ideas or draw them out is the perfect way to just become more clear and organized with your production. I, for one was also already thinking about doing that myself I haven’t been able to talk with my partner and draw a story board because I am a more of a visual learner, hopefully in the coming days we’ll be able to. She stated she was inspired by “American Psycho”.
Second runner up: Emi
Genre: Western
Now we have Emi, she doesn't know what her plot is going to be about but she has a rough idea about it. She knows that she wants her character to be chase because of the bounty for their head. There isn't much that we could say other than the fact that as a western genre themed is going to be hard to portray based on where we're located, there is nothing western related here. She hopes to keep things traditionally western but that could be a huge complication because the location. We were thinking maybe she can modernize it a little bit. I however was inspired by her blog post and one of the many was that she showed this black and white film and I suggested that maybe what if you do your film opening in black and white. She wouldn't have to struggle so much with having to find landscapes that were desert like. She can just easily settle into any different type of location maybe a National Park and still get the same western theme. Another member suggested maybe a green screen but we all thought that that would just be too much of an editing problem. Ultimately this idea was very creative I really liked the part where she says she was gonna design their own clothes and make it themselves which I think is just phenomenal. I'm very excited to see the final product and I hope to keep track of her progress.
These are her design ideas for her western theme film opening.
The one with the cherry filled chest: Roman
Genre: Suspense
Third, Roman, is the one with the cherry filled chest. Roman film revolves around the investigation of this man who is a cartel and is being hunted by the DEA and his film opening, just as Simona, takes place with him already being caught. He already has a clear sense of script ideas and location. Although my main concern was definitely the fact that it felt too much of an ending for a film opening. His story was to start off with him being investigating and then at the end of the investigation he says the name of the Mexican cartel or the leader of it it's sort of just ends the purpose of the film. We all came to the conclusion that it was just too much of an ending than an opening and that there has to be something else in the middle of investigation to continue the story. Isa, another member, suggested that there could be some flashbacks once the investigation ends and show like some scenes of the Mexican cartel. Simona suggested however that when the investigation ends when the name of the leader is mention it can cut quickly to the leader of themselves and just show their story. Hopefully, he has time to analyze both suggestions and see what he can come up with taking in our ideas. In the end, he will need to shorten that investigation in his opening.
Last but not least: Isa
Genre: Mystery
She may be last but she is one of my favorite movie plot ideas. I feel like her stories really well made already she has a clear sense of flight and not only that her blog posts are very well updated. Her story is about a crazy scientist that is planning to do something bad. In her opening she plans to demonstrate the doctor’s struggle with OCD, with overly organized files, jars and other motions. She was inspired by the tv show “dexter”, they’re will be long black cuts but rapidly to create the suspense and horror aspects. In my eyes and the rest of the group members, we didn’t see anything she needs to work on and to simply just make sure to stay organized and research editing strategies to overall improve her film opening.
My turn now!
Genre: Dystopian
When I discussed my film opening I made it clear that our plot was not fully developed but there’s a rough idea of what we wanted to show. Two best friends in a society revolved around power and with this power comes evil. Everyone found to be a good plot, but our biggest struggle will be location and obviously the plot. Since we didn’t have a clear idea of the plot, they suggested to create a storyboard and add things that I will want in my opening. Other suggested to find locations you can film, such as parks. They also helped me create a different approach I can I do for my opening. Instead of focusing on the girl who was chosen I can take into the perspective of the other one who watches her get taken away and end my film open with her looking for her.
The meeting really help me and I hope the others to approach my film opening with a better idea, and with taking in what others suggested I know that I’ll be able to make better decisions and choices for my opening. These creative few I highly recommend to check them out and check out their progress and soon, their openings!
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