What’s so special
Heya! Today I will be doing a brainstorm and I wanted to take you guys with me. With it being producing week I really need to have everything prepared and ready to go. Me and my partner were coming up with ideas for our news channel scene. It’s really important to implement a way to create an establish background. In turn we need to find special effect methods to create a realistic environment.
Green or white?
You see, my partner and I came up with the idea of making it sort of like a green screen and set up a table with our actor placed in the middle. Oh right! I forgot to mention our newest member in our project, Vicky’s mom, she’s playing th e news reporter. This selection wasn’t hard, we needed to include someone different from the main characters (Vicky and me). She overheard our planning and volunteered to play the part. We were so relieved that we don’t have to go through the hefty process of searching for someone willing to help us.
A little sidetracked, but let’s come back to the main point. Green screen or not? You it’s not as complicated as you think, it merely simple. Watching a few YouTube videos on that topic can help us. It’s more about WHERE can we get a green screen. In search of this we believe the best way to execute this scene is to use a WHITE background instead. The house in fwhich we’re shooting in, contains a bunch of white walls hopefully we will be able to get a clear shot and easily make it into a tv channel .
Using this tutorial from the InShot YouTube channel, I’ll be able to create my desire green screen.
However, as a person who struggles with editing and my partner as well, we are discussing other ways. We can use a background and place in on the tv and let our new reporter sit there and make he announcement. This will require a lot of placement, and lighting. This will be our first option, since the green screen can get quite tricky and I don’t want to give up time.
Ultimately, we will try all these different ways. Hopefully, we don’t need to record the scene once again.
Resources: InShot Video Editor. (2023, September 28). InShot Green Screen Video Editing Tutorial |📺 Step into the Screen [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Gkflcl7D0E
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