Wednesday, February 26, 2025

The final result!

    Fashion time 


    Good morning! Hi everyone welcome back, it’s been a long day since Ive last spoken with you. Honestly the past few days I’ve been working hard on school, but now I’m going to steer to the right direction and update on what’s currently unfolding on my project. Today I want to discuss my costume creation!


My theory


    You see prior to recording I had to make a choice between costumes and WHAT will suit best for my film. The many options left had minor details that unfolded big and true meaning within the film. At last I decided that the most convenient and spoken choice was the black dress. Not only would it be simple both me and my partner owns a pair, making the “everyone has the same thing” meaning in the story be quite true and develop the dystopian society 


Color theory


    Shown above is a combination of the simplicity of the black dress and the sandals. This showcases the key clear idea of color theory as black holds this power yet mystery. Without having to get too many details of the story’s, it can convey a message of oppression and control, an important factor in our opening. As you know, the story takes place in a dystopian society and it’s only the opening of the movie. We need to utilize as much small details to foreshadow further development. 


    It’s been clear to me and my partner that going forward in this method can benefit us greatly as the use of the black dress adds much more depth to the narrative and atmosphere of such a setting.

Resources : Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing magazine. (2010, January 28). Smashing Magazine.,evil%2C%20death%2C%20and%20mystery.

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