Monday, March 10, 2025

Write and Respond

How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text? 

Rise and shine, Good morning! Today is another serious topic that I was really looking forward to discussing today. I want to be clear about how I will be able to reach my target audience and talk distribution strategies. For those who are not aware what “distribution practices” are allow me to explain it to you. 

Distribution practices are quite a complex process with different stages and strategies. To simplify it, it composes of basically marketing and finding ways to making it available to the public audience. As a novice this part is the trickiest, since there's no way I'll be able to get Netflix to show MY film, one can only dream... 

What i'm targeting

Before I get more until that, I want to describe what my film is going for. I'm hoping to reach the eyes of 13–21-year-olds, you know the younger portion of the audience. I feel as a teen myself, I relate so much with my films messages and themes that i can’t imagine how any other teens cannot. Throughout the whole opening, I'm making it clear of the themes of friendship, and how Lily and Livy will continuously strengthen their friendship no matter what, no matter what social class, or ideals, they will stick together through it all. 

As you know, self-identity is crucial. Especially in the real world, in my society self-identity doesn’t exist. I hope to raise questions about what it could mean to be “normal” and the importance of being one’s true self. This struggle is seen in a lot of young minds, specifically, in teens. Mental health is important and not being able to express yourself can impact you more than you can know. I can't imagine having to live a life as someone I'm not, and that's exactly what happening in my film. Having to fake yourself, personality, appearance etc. Is a common world struggle, and seeing this being portrayed in my film can help other relate and find comfort. 

In the two minutes that I was given to record my film opening I had to establish the clear struggles my characters face. Using shots and angles i was able to showcase the clear “equality” between my toe character and how they revolve wearing the same things. It showcases the lack of self-identity and mindless following government orders, something I believe the audience can relate too immensely. In addition, by doing only the first two minutes of the movie, I can assure that it will cause many questions and what's going to happen, capturing my audience's attention even more. 

How I will do it

    Lastly, when it comes to distributing and promoting my movie is the tricky part. As i said before, I'm a beginner so there are no big companies looking to hire me (yet). However, that doesn’t mean there aren’t any options. As a growing and technological society, posting and uploading things, in this era, couldn’t have been easier. Using social media platforms specifically YouTube, I'll be able to upload my movie. Although, YouTube algorithm is confusing at times, there are other social media platforms I can promote my movie. I can utilize big social media platforms such as TikTok and Instagram to upload snippets, behind the scenes footage, bloopers and more to gain a following. Furthermore, in my bio, ill add the link to my YouTube video. As you all know, this blog account is also a distributing practice. In here I'm sharing my journey of creating my opening and once completed I'm more than happy to upload my final draft of my opening to share with you guys!  

Also, my school offers a film festival every year, and by entering I will be able to show off my opening to even more young filmmakers and get to even win awards! This one of the best to gain experience and critiques to grow as an even better filmmaker! 


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