Friday, February 28, 2025

Flashing lights, lights

 What’s so special 


    Heya! Today I will be doing a brainstorm and I wanted to take you guys with me. With it being producing week I really need to have everything prepared and ready to go. Me and my partner were coming up with ideas for our news channel scene. It’s really important to implement a way to create an establish background.  In turn we need to find special effect methods to create a realistic environment.


Green or white?


   You see, my partner and I came up with the idea of making it sort of like a green screen and set up a table with our actor placed in the middle. Oh right! I forgot to mention our newest member in our project, Vicky’s mom, she’s playing th e news reporter. This selection wasn’t hard, we needed to include someone different from the main characters (Vicky and me). She overheard our planning and volunteered to play the part. We were so relieved that we don’t have to go through the hefty process of searching for someone willing to help us.


    A little sidetracked, but let’s come back to the main point. Green screen or not? You it’s not as complicated as you think, it merely simple. Watching a few YouTube videos on that topic can help us. It’s more about WHERE can we get a green screen. In search of this we believe the best way to execute this scene is to use a WHITE background instead. The house in fwhich we’re shooting in, contains a bunch of white walls hopefully we will be able to get a clear shot and easily make it into a tv channel .


Using this tutorial from the InShot YouTube channel, I’ll be able to create my desire green screen.



    However, as a person who struggles with editing and my partner as well, we are discussing other    ways. We can use a background and place in on the tv and let our new reporter sit there and make he announcement. This will require a lot of placement, and lighting. This will be our first option, since the green screen can get quite tricky and I don’t want to give up time.


    Ultimately, we will try all these different ways. Hopefully, we don’t need to record the scene once again.

Resources: InShot Video Editor. (2023, September 28). InShot Green Screen Video Editing Tutorial |📺 Step into the Screen [Video]. YouTube.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

The final result!

    Fashion time 


    Good morning! Hi everyone welcome back, it’s been a long day since Ive last spoken with you. Honestly the past few days I’ve been working hard on school, but now I’m going to steer to the right direction and update on what’s currently unfolding on my project. Today I want to discuss my costume creation!


My theory


    You see prior to recording I had to make a choice between costumes and WHAT will suit best for my film. The many options left had minor details that unfolded big and true meaning within the film. At last I decided that the most convenient and spoken choice was the black dress. Not only would it be simple both me and my partner owns a pair, making the “everyone has the same thing” meaning in the story be quite true and develop the dystopian society 


Color theory


    Shown above is a combination of the simplicity of the black dress and the sandals. This showcases the key clear idea of color theory as black holds this power yet mystery. Without having to get too many details of the story’s, it can convey a message of oppression and control, an important factor in our opening. As you know, the story takes place in a dystopian society and it’s only the opening of the movie. We need to utilize as much small details to foreshadow further development. 


    It’s been clear to me and my partner that going forward in this method can benefit us greatly as the use of the black dress adds much more depth to the narrative and atmosphere of such a setting.

Resources : Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing magazine. (2010, January 28). Smashing Magazine.,evil%2C%20death%2C%20and%20mystery.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Sound and music

The list goes on and on

Hey there, it’s been a while. I’ve been in quite the hole, and balancing this project has been tricky but I’ll manage. Today wanted to report more on what sounds I will be incorporating into the opening. Honestly, having already created my storyboard I already know EXACTLY what I need to include.

Okay, where?

I’ve discovered a super convenient place to find royal free audios. I currently am so obsessed with YouTube’s audio library and These places aren’t just at the palm at my hands, it’s surprisingly super easy to download and use. I personally don’t have much experience with film making, in turn I don’t know what app is the best to edit videos. I use InShot, this app has all the gadgets, all the tips and tricks that I’ll need. Upon discovering the app, I found the vast amount of sound sin their included music library. I don’t hold a subscription so I couldn’t gain access to all of it but there is a bunch of different sounds that are available to me. 


The list


Before we continue, I need to embark on the following list that I’ll be including in my film.

Regarding my storyboard the one key important aspect that requires a bunch of extra work and attention, is the new report scene. This is our introduction and also a foreshadowing of our society. It’s super important to execute this to perfection, anything below perfect can inflict severe damage on our opening.

The actual scene has to take places with an audio that has “BREAKING NEWS” and background music to follow just as any regular tv channel. While conducting my search I’ve found that there are a bunch of options in YouTube’s audio library, compared to my other sources. My favorite being this one.

It really capture that mood that I’m looking for, in somewhat inspirational and insightful, I’m super glad with this new discovery and I can’t wait to utilize these sources in my project!

Resources: YouTube. (n.d.).

Freesound. (n.d.).

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Sounds prevails

    Dystopian sounds

     Ni hao! That’s Chinese for hello! Besides that, I wanted to talk about sounds todays. I think it’s extremely important to explain the use of sounds that help evoke a better visual understanding. In dystopian films the use of sound is crucial to help establish the unsettling atmosphere, and that’s exactly what I want my film to start with.

Breakdown not breakdance


    Establishing a good sound choice is so crucial for dystopian films since it can affect and highlight the control and artificially of the environment.The summit pinnacle points out (2024), “It’s essential to draw viewers to subtle foreshadowing and narrative developments.” Meaning with the use do audios and sounds you can create an environment to foreshadow the overall plot, or the incoming conflict behind it.


    Specifically, in my opening, literally just my opening. Meaning I don’t have much to work with to show the whole plot. I want to give off hints in my opening to foreshadow the conflict that is going come. I strongly believe that with the use of sounds and visual aids I can implement this. In dystopian films there’s great uses of diagetic sounds, since majority of them take place in secluded areas and are not as modernized. Mine will also take place somewhat of that, a town that has fallen behind to what’s modern. It doesn’t take place in no great city, but in a town. 


   The ultimate goal is to enhance the storytelling of the production. As stated in The Importance of Sound Design in Film (2023),  “sound desgin can greatly enhance the viewing experience by adding a layer of emotional depth and realism to the visual elements of a film or television show.”.  I believe that incorporating such elements can really upgrade my film. I was thinking about literally just using diagetic sounds but foley sounds can also be a great way to increase the realizan of the sound and emphasize it. 


What I’ll do


 Diagetic sounds- I believe that diagetic sounds can invoke a more sense of realism to my story and create a more visual appealing film. Especially from what I’m planning to film, there isn’t any DRANATIC scenes were the sound will be needed. Having all these dialogues scenes, diagetic sounds are on the top my list.


Sound effects – one of the main scenes the introduction of the news report, it’s going to take a lot of diffferent editing techniques to make this seem like an actually report. Which using sound board I can use “Breaking News” and the music that’s played on these breaking news report. Once again, I think using sound affects will create a more realistic approach to the report and hopefully seem like an actually news report.


Little to no music- Im planning to use music for when we do the title scene, but other than that I see no use of it. I want to tell a story not just show it. In turn I won’t be using much music to show this.


Worse case scenario: foley sounds- if I don’t get a clear audio take when recording, I’ll make sure to use foley sounds to emphasize the sounds. Specifically the scene of the phone ringing and the coffees being brewed and poured it’s important to make that sound stand out. I want the coffee kettle to beep a specific scene of the news report to cut to that,obviously with some of the voices being heard in the back but you get what I mean. It’s the same thing with the phone ringing, if it doesn’t sound loud enough to catch MY attntion how do I know it’ll capture the audiences? Overall, i planning to purschase small microphones to record these sounds. 

Resources: Devarazz. (2023, April 15). “The Importance of Sound Design in Film” - Devarazz - Medium. Medium.

Liew, E. (n.d.). The sound of dystopia. The Summit Pinnacle.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Mise-en-what part 2

 The trees and cities

    Howdy! I know it’s been SOOOO long since we seen each other (less than 24 hours) but I literally cannot hold this off any longer. I wanted to get into about location ideas of where I can shoot my scenes, in one location I didn’t get a picture of, but I know it’s perfect since I’ve been there before.


    Remember that in my storyboard and plot I explained how were going to start off first with the introduction of the production companies and then with the scene of the breaking new report, and close up shots of coffee being brewed and poured. The real kicker though is that this all takes place in someone’s living room. After than she will get a call of her best friend LiLy Allen, where there’s a close up shot of the phone call, and it cuts to LiLy Allen already at th e location where this years selection will take place, an-office building. Hurrily, Olivia Kelly will get ready rush out the door of her house and the title scene will begin.


The real deal

    That was just a quick summary of what our film opening will look like and idea of what locations we will need. Luckily there’s only TWO big locations that we needed to figure out since technically I would count the living room and the kitchen area all to be within the same house so we don’t need to worry much about that one. While we were looking for locations the one part that was difficult to find was an public available location where we are allowed to record, its secluded enough so we don’t have to worry about other people by accident walking by and messing with our footage, and an actual office like building.


   First off, depending on which day we decide to shoot THE first scene, since we are allowed to go out order, we can use either MY house or Vicky’s house to record. I’m leaning more to Vicky’s, since it’s likely we are doing this during the weekend and i cannot shoot at my house during the weekend. This likelihood also means I couldn’t get a picture of her living room and kitchen. 



   These are not exact replicas of her kitchen and living room but it’s somewhat similar, this is to give you guys and myself a general idea of how we are going to place our camera to record but we don’t need to get into that today, that’s a later topic.


    Final, we may have found the perfect location for this, there’s the “plaza” of office buildings in my home town and it’s not completely secluded but it’s secluded enough, it’s also all painted in the same color so we don’t neeed to worry about shoot close up to show it. Cause remember everything in our society is the SAME. Luckily, are many vacant office where can just shoot infront of with no worries. I think this is the PERFECT location there is nothing better than this that’s close by or at least checking off all the boxes. 


To sum it up

    Im so excited to finally work on the film like filming wise, I’m so proud in myself for being able to find these locations, it took a lot of time to think these things out since there was so many things we need to check off before actually picking one out. In the end I’m happy with these choices, so goodbye! Untile next time.

Thursday, February 20, 2025


Props, set, designs or costumes?

    Bonjour! ¡I know you missed me, it’s only been a day but I’ve was too excited to share my costume ideas! Before I get into it I want to give a refresher  to why I’ve selected these styles, by the way, these are ideas, I wanted you guys help me pick but I already know which one I’m leading more towards.




    In our story, it takes place in a dystopian society, this society is very much organized indicating eveyone wears the exact same, has the same things and does the same things, anything else is illegal and out of the ordinary. Meaning, I wanted to find a basic and simple costume desgin that not only can be used as sort of an uniform but comfortable. I was leaning into simple colors like beige, black, white and blue.




  Well, beige is a dull and simple color which can be used to symbolize the dullness of living in that society. Black shows darkness and hidden meaning which can indicate the society secrets and dark truth another important detail of the story. While white paints innocents almost angelic, this can help paint out how the society is actually perfect and hopeful to contrast its actual truth. Lastly, blue. Blue symbolize harmony and stability, in a dystopian society where everyhting is run by the government it’s important to establish this order which can also help create the “peaceful” environment it is.



What we can do


Here are the top four designs based of each colors that I have handpicked to us for my film.


First up



    The black dress help show that color theory I was loooking. An important thing is the fact that I already own a dress similar to this desgin. So, it’s not only already in my closet and I don’t need to look else where to buy it but I same my self time to worry about another elements like props. However, I feel like the dress doesn’t show off the dystopian theme, it does however give kinda a vibe 1950s housewife e or something. We are however making this a modernized film so this isn’t what we want.



Thank you, next!




    We now have the beige dress, luckily I found that this is sold at Walmart, so if I do end up with this object find it won’t be that big of an issue. The color is beige and it really gives the uniform ideal and the message we are hoping to give off to as well. Ultimately, it the process of hoping the deli every process doesn’t take too long or gets lost, which will be s HUGE issue if we can’t get it intime for filming. Honestly, the main issue for this choice is the fact we have to get it dleievered and that could take up to two whole weeks.



Next one up



    We have the most simple of it all but it is my favorite. The white button up with white pants helps show this as orderly, and innocent society. Not only do I have it in my closet but it shows off all the elects of a dystopian society. Another important detail is that EVERYONE has to wear the same thing and i wasn’t considering the unisex for the uniform and was picking it off firstly at girls which was a huge mistake. I want to conclude that I’m going with this costume not only for its simplicity but the concept is just perfect for the movie.



But before we conclude



   I wanted to give this blue guy just one last chance to either convince me or you guys that this one is the best option. This blue collar button up would go with either navy blue office pants or black ones. I have these items already, but the whole costume gives off an work office outfit and I’m not sure if that’s what I want to show off in my film. I personally say this is a no, a good idea, but not exactly what I’m looking for.


In the end


    Im picking the white button up shits and white pants, the simplicity is exactly what I need and the color theory is there. I was really hoping to choice between any of those colors but especially for MY charcter, Lily Allen, an absolute angel, white is the perfect color to demonstrate her. Not just that but I feel like this can show the WHOLE society as a complete reflection of the peace and innocence within in. I’m glad with my decision and I hope to see you guys again for this next one, bye!

Wednesday, February 19, 2025


 Lily Allen!

G’day! It’s been quite a second since we actually talked or since I’ve been able to post on my blog. I’ve kind of sidetracked a little bit with the scheduling since trying to keep up with assignments. I recently had a cold, so I missed a day of school to rest. I wouldn’t if I knew I would need to make like a billion assignments! 


Anywho, I wanted to introduce my character, the one I’ll be playing myself. Lily Allen. In the process of finding a name and her background I wanted to just take a few steps back.  This character is somewhat of a replica of me so I wanted it to include many things that I greatly enjoy.  So when I was first thinking of her name I was obviously thinking of flowers. Fun fact about me I actually love flowers like so much I love collecting them I love smelling them and I love seeing them.  So I obviously had to think about whether my favorite flowers and the first one that came to mine were lilies. And I was like wait Lily that is such a beautiful cute name and so that’s how we first started getting an idea of her first name.  What’s important to know about movies and film is that they always include the first name and the last name of the characters.  There wasn’t much thought when discussing the last name of the character. We did go through websites and try to figure out some generic name that would be ideal for a character something basic and orderly. Also something that made sense for it.


We clicked on this website and scroll down to find ideas for a last name we could use, at lucky number 33, we found Allen. I think it suited the name nicely, and I loved the sound of Lily Allen.


There also something about the name that symbols hopeful and cheerful, it really vocalizing the type of character Lily is or how I would want her to be. In my storyboard and plot I discussed how Lily is a rule abiding citizen and is excited for this years selection, she’s the loud and energetic child and always knows exactly what to say.


Lily’s story


I created this mood board to create an idea of who Lily is. Lily is the girl that you always see smile, she’s always positive and loving. In my story you know that she’s looking for the selection, matter of fact, she’s praying she’s gets selected. This every burning hope is going to be crushed, I want that to show through her character development. Reality hits her hard and crushes her hopes and dreams. This needs to be shown through props, facial expressions/acting, costume and of course editing. The lighting is going to be extremely crucial for this project, but I won’t discuss further on that just yet.


Essentially that is all about Lily and what she’ll go through that changes who she is.


Resources: Moss, J., & Moss, J. (2023, December 21). 1,000 Most popular last names in the U.S.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Time to draw it out

 Pens and paper please!

    Greetings! Welcome back to the blog, today we are getting a little arts and crafty. Want to know why? It’s time for our story boarding, don’t judge but our drawing skills are NOT masterful enough but they are to help create a clear idea of what we want to put in our opening. A storyboard is extremely helpful when organizing your ideas and especially when you’re already filming since you can just take a quick glance and see exactly what you need to shoot. In a visual and hands on learner, that makes storyboarding one of the best way for me to start to see how my film opening will plan out. It’s crucial to keep organized and focused, with storyboarding you can do just that.

Without further ado I present to you my storyboard!

Thursday, February 13, 2025

For the plot?

                  Our plot idea

    Cheerio! It’s been a minute since we last spoke. Or I have at least. It’s been hectic week with Valentine's Day just around the corner, I’ve been scramming and juggling everything to stick with my schedule. I’m excited for the 14th but what I’m more excited about is for my plot idea!


 Before it gets too deep


    Our movie is going to go into two best friends, Lily Allen and Olivia Kelly, where are they live in this sort of dystopian society since were basing it off more futuristic is going to be based off in a city.  One thing that has to be made clear is that the names are currently what we have settled into, but we don’t really know what type of other names are going to be associated into the film like other actors, the city name itself, and the actual title of the film.


   For the first two minutes of our opening, we want to just give a slight hint of the idea of our plot, we really want to make this a very captivating opening to help further develop more questions and excitement for the completed version.


  Lights, Camera, and Action!


   We want the movie just around sort of a “perfect” city where everyone is happy. But this is however due to the governments control with everything on how they watch over everyone they and make sure that the society is just overall “perfect”. Everything and everyone will be the same they were all partake the same uniforms, the houses are the same, the food options are the same and more importantly what they all want is the same.


   The big twister is that the society is revolved around superpowers. Currently what we want our superpowers to be isn’t clear we aren’t sure yet with the elemental factors or just overall intelligence but just know they are powerful. Anyways, every child that is going into a secondary school is super excited to be selected one of the four lucky children that will be given the superpowers and are trained.  With the main characters Lily Allen and Olivia Kelly, they are both going into the first year of secondary school meaning they are the ones that are going get the opportunity to be chosen for the superpowers.  Every child that’s 14 - - 15 years old are given the opportunity to be selected by the government and trained, this occurs every single year. 


   Lily is the one that’s very excited and really wants to be chosen because like anyone that’s what everyone wants, however Olivia isn’t, she doesn’t really completely understand why this is such a powerful thing and she honestly just wants to stay home with her family because that’s what she’s already familiar with.  With that being said they both end up being picked, the plot will then follow with the girls and other two, experience with the time with the government training them with their newfound powers.


   What makes this dystopian is that the government actually very corrupted and they’re utilizing the students for military power and making them endure a whole world of different torture and abuses. Will they escape? Is this the start of endless torture? What will happen next? Stay tune…


     Since this is our overall plot summary I want to give credit to the inspiration that me and my teammate took from, I wanna give credit to “The Giver”, “The Hunger Games”, and “Divergent” since these dystopian based films were so influential and help involve this type of idea I wanted to give credit towards them.

Resources:Divergent (2014) ⭐ 6.6 | Action, adventure, Drama. (2014, March 21). IMDb.

The Hunger Games (2012) ⭐ 7.2 | Action, adventure, Sci-Fi. (2012, March 23). IMDb.

The Giver: Full Book Summary | SparkNotes. (n.d.). SparkNotes.


Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Theories and media?

 No, media theories!


    When creating my film, I wanted to incorporate a media theory to further develop the theme of my film. As a dystopian based film, I believe the best theory I can use would be…


      Agenda-setting theory

     Agenda setting theory means to say that media controls what people say to be more important because of how much it’s being shown and how much attention is being given through media. it doesn’t straight up tell you what you should think but it tells you what you should be focusing more on and giving your attention to. If that still isn’t clear click here to watch a short two minute video of a professor explaining it.


   Ok but why?


     Agenda-setting theory can help my dystopian theme film to feel more realistic because this media control really happens in real life. Not just that but it helps show how important media is into shifting our beliefs and I feel like that’s really important to address because in my dystopian film opinions are everything.  Having this in mind, it can help control how I want to drive my plot into creating better interesting conflicts. For example, I can incorporate how the media that our character is surrounded by forces them to feel a certain way. I want to corporate a way were they that by always sharing news, maybe having daily announcements of how great the government is and how bad it is to be rebellious, it creates the illusion that people are being protected by the government. When we all know that’s not really the case. 


   How though?


    In dystopian films, the government or ruler I’m not sure yet, can use media to control what people think is important. There are many different ways that the government can use the media to show their successes and hide the failures.   One way that I discussed before, is that by incorporating some sort of announcement or maybe a visual medium, like TV, can illustrate how the government is trying to make it seem that the enemies are bad and that we’re being protected by them. In my film opening I can use some sort of siren and create the announcement to be like “beware, beware rebels are on the way, but don’t you worry will be able to protect you” or something of the sorts.  Or I can pre-record myself as a news reporter reporting into a crisis currently in the society of people rebelling or create my own Amber alarm and writing a message in text because of the same situation. In my opening I want to be clear that there’s another small section of society that is against governments norms, but I won’t make it as clear in my opening but create the idea that it will be further developed in the overall film. Another way I can incorporate this in my dystopian film, is that towards the end of the film when the girl realizes there’s something going on. We can do another news report on her image and description and how she is now “Wanted” for going against the government.

    Anything else?

     I’m not sure if it’s obvious but I was clearly inspired by one of the best dystopian films, “The Hunger Games”.  In “The Hunger Games” you can see Katniss’s transformation from being a survivor to becoming a revolutionary leader and is always being associated of her public and private identity. You can see that she’s always being broadcasted, and this highlights the tension between her roles that are imposed by society and creates her own individual identity of someone that’s against the government.

Resources: Agenda setting Theory (Explained in 2 minutes). (n.d.). YouTube.

Dwivedi, V. a. P. B. P. (2019, February 25). Agenda Setting Theory and the Hunger Games Trilogy: An analysis. Pallavi Dwivedi.






Monday, February 10, 2025

Between us

         My first meeting

    Aloha! it was kind of a hectic day! I got to socialize a lot of other group members I was very happy for this opportunity because not only did a broaden my insight and help communicate about some struggles in my projects it also gave me a fresh new set of ideas that I can incorporate in my projects.I also felt extremely happy with helping others to developing their own projects.


    I didn’t have enough time to get around and communicate with everyone but  just the right about a time to discuss with four other group members and share their project planning and production choices.  We also decided to help each other out with our struggles and come up with ideas for improvement.

First one up: Simona 

Simona was the first one to introduce herself. She talked about her film opening idea and how she wants to start from end to start, meaning she she wants the opening to be kind of like the end of the movie and continuing the rest of the movie to show what lead up to it. She talked about her story to takeing place of a wife murdering and burying her husband. It gets better though, the title is “until death do us part”. Like you can’t say that isn’t creative . She did however have some complications, she didn’t really have a clear idea on what scenes or how many to use. It was just so much that she wanted to incorporate that it was all just mixed up and excessive.  We all told her that it would just be too excessive to include all those scenes it would’ve been really hard to take and make the opening seem really choppy rather than clear and straight to the point.  Everyone was pitching in ideas on how she could incorporate and clear out all of those extra scenes right now.  We came to agreement that a storyboard or scripting is necessary, any method where you write down your ideas or draw them out is the perfect way to just become more clear and organized with your production. I, for one was also already thinking about doing that myself I haven’t been able to talk with my partner and draw a story board because I am a more of a visual learner, hopefully in the coming days we’ll be able to. She stated she was inspired by “American Psycho”.

Second runner up: Emi 
Genre: Western


Now we have Emi, she doesn't know what her plot is going to be about but she has a rough idea about it. She knows that she wants her character to be chase because of the bounty for their head. There isn't much that we could say other than the fact that as a western genre themed is going to be hard to portray based on where we're located, there is nothing western related here. She hopes to keep things traditionally western but that could be a huge complication because the location. We were thinking maybe she can modernize it a little bit. I however was inspired by her blog post and one of the many was that she showed this black and white film and I suggested that maybe what if you do your film opening in black and white. She wouldn't have to struggle so much with having to find landscapes that were desert like. She can just easily settle into any different type of location maybe a National Park and still get the same western theme. Another member suggested maybe a green screen but we all thought that that would just be too much of an editing problem. Ultimately this idea was very creative I really liked the part where she says she was gonna design their own clothes and make it themselves which I think is just phenomenal. I'm very excited to see the final product and I hope to keep track of her progress.

                  These are her design ideas for her western theme film opening.

The one with the cherry filled chest: Roman
Genre: Suspense


Third, Roman, is the one with the cherry filled chest. Roman film revolves around the investigation of this man who is a cartel and is being hunted by the DEA and his film opening, just as Simona, takes place with him already being caught. He already has a clear sense of script ideas and location. Although my main concern was definitely the fact that it felt too much of an ending for a film opening. His story was to start off with him being investigating and then at the end of the investigation he says the name of the Mexican cartel or the leader of it it's sort of just ends the purpose of the film.  We all came to the conclusion that it was just too much of an ending than an opening and that there has to be something else in the middle of investigation to continue the story.  Isa, another member, suggested that there could be some flashbacks once the investigation ends and show like some scenes of the Mexican cartel. Simona suggested however that when the investigation ends when the name of the leader is mention it can cut quickly to the leader of themselves and just show their story. Hopefully, he has time to analyze both suggestions and see what he can come up with taking in our ideas. In the end, he will need to shorten that investigation in his opening. 


Last but not least: Isa
Genre: Mystery


She may be last but she is one of my favorite movie plot ideas. I feel like her stories really well made already she has a clear sense of flight and not only that her blog posts are very well updated.  Her story is about a crazy scientist that is planning to do something bad. In her opening she plans to demonstrate the doctor’s struggle with OCD, with overly organized files, jars and other motions. She was inspired by the tv show “dexter”, they’re will be long black cuts but rapidly to create the suspense and horror aspects. In my eyes and the rest of the group members, we didn’t see anything she needs to work on and to simply just make sure to stay organized and research editing strategies to overall improve her film opening.


My turn now!
Genre: Dystopian


When I discussed my film opening I made it clear that our plot was not fully developed but there’s a rough idea of what we wanted to show. Two best friends in a society revolved around power and with this power comes evil. Everyone found to be a good plot, but our biggest struggle will be location and obviously the plot. Since we didn’t have a clear idea of the plot, they suggested to create a storyboard and add things that I will want in my opening. Other suggested to find locations you can film, such as parks.  They also helped me create a different approach I can I do for my opening. Instead of focusing on the girl who was chosen I can take into the perspective of the other one who watches her get taken away and end my film open with her looking for her.




The meeting really help me and I hope the others to approach my film opening with a better idea, and with taking in what others suggested I know that I’ll be able to make better decisions and choices for my opening. These creative few I highly recommend to check them out and check out their progress and soon, their openings!






Answer and Reflect

How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?     Hey everyone today it’s time to ge...